Dimension::DimensionType | getDimension () const override |
| Returns surface dimension (2)
bool | hasDimension (Dimension::DimensionType d) const override |
| Checks whether any component of this geometry has dimension d.
bool | isDimensionStrict (Dimension::DimensionType d) const override |
| Checks whether this Geometry consists only of components having dimension d.
int | getBoundaryDimension () const override |
| Returns 1 (MultiPolygon boundary is MultiLineString)
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | getBoundary () const override |
| Computes the boundary of this geometry. More...
const Polygon * | getGeometryN (std::size_t n) const override |
| Returns a pointer to the nth Geometry in this collection.
std::string | getGeometryType () const override |
| Return a string representation of this Geometry type.
GeometryTypeId | getGeometryTypeId () const override |
| Return an integer representation of this Geometry type.
std::unique_ptr< MultiPolygon > | clone () const |
std::unique_ptr< MultiPolygon > | reverse () const |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
std::unique_ptr< GeometryCollection > | clone () const |
void | setSRID (int) override |
| Sets the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by the Geometry.
std::unique_ptr< CoordinateSequence > | getCoordinates () const override |
| Collects all coordinates of all subgeometries into a CoordinateSequence. More...
bool | isEmpty () const override |
| Returns whether or not the set of points in this Geometry is empty.
uint8_t | getCoordinateDimension () const override |
| Returns coordinate dimension.
bool | hasM () const override |
bool | hasZ () const override |
std::size_t | getNumPoints () const override |
| Returns the count of this Geometrys vertices.
bool | equalsExact (const Geometry *other, double tolerance=0) const override |
| Returns true iff the two Geometrys are of the same type and their vertices corresponding by index are equal up to a specified distance tolerance. Geometries are not required to have the same dimemsion; any Z/M values are ignored.
bool | equalsIdentical (const Geometry *other) const override |
| Returns true if the two geometries are of the same type and their vertices corresponding by index are equal in all dimensions.
void | apply_ro (CoordinateFilter *filter) const override |
void | apply_rw (const CoordinateFilter *filter) override |
void | apply_ro (GeometryFilter *filter) const override |
void | apply_rw (GeometryFilter *filter) override |
void | apply_ro (GeometryComponentFilter *filter) const override |
void | apply_rw (GeometryComponentFilter *filter) override |
void | apply_rw (CoordinateSequenceFilter &filter) override |
void | apply_ro (CoordinateSequenceFilter &filter) const override |
void | normalize () override |
const CoordinateXY * | getCoordinate () const override |
| Returns a vertex of this Geometry, or NULL if this is the empty geometry.
double | getArea () const override |
| Returns the total area of this collection.
double | getLength () const override |
| Returns the total length of this collection.
std::size_t | getNumGeometries () const override |
| Returns the number of geometries in this collection.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Geometry > > | releaseGeometries () |
| Take ownership of the sub-geometries managed by this GeometryCollection. After releasing the sub-geometries, the collection should be considered in a moved-from state and should not be accessed. More...
std::unique_ptr< GeometryCollection > | reverse () const |
const Envelope * | getEnvelopeInternal () const override |
| Returns the minimum and maximum x and y values in this Geometry, or a null Envelope if this Geometry is empty.
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | clone () const |
| Make a deep-copy of this Geometry.
virtual | ~Geometry () |
| Destroy Geometry and all components.
const GeometryFactory * | getFactory () const |
| Gets the factory which contains the context in which this geometry was created. More...
void | setUserData (void *newUserData) |
| A simple scheme for applications to add their own custom data to a Geometry. An example use might be to add an object representing a Coordinate Reference System. More...
void * | getUserData () const |
| Gets the user data object for this geometry, if any. More...
virtual int | getSRID () const |
| Returns the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by the Geometry. More...
const PrecisionModel * | getPrecisionModel () const |
| Get the PrecisionModel used to create this Geometry.
virtual bool | isSimple () const |
| Returns false if the Geometry not simple.
virtual bool | isValid () const |
| Tests the validity of this Geometry . More...
virtual bool | isRectangle () const |
| Polygon overrides to check for actual rectangle.
bool | isPuntal () const |
bool | isLineal () const |
bool | isPolygonal () const |
bool | isMixedDimension () const |
bool | isMixedDimension (Dimension::DimensionType *baseDim) const |
bool | isCollection () const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | getEnvelope () const |
| Returns this Geometrys bounding box.
virtual bool | disjoint (const Geometry *other) const |
virtual bool | touches (const Geometry *other) const |
| Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys is FT*******, F**T***** or F***T****.
virtual bool | intersects (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if disjoint returns false.
virtual bool | crosses (const Geometry *g) const |
virtual bool | within (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys is T*F**F***.
virtual bool | contains (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if other.within(this) returns true.
virtual bool | overlaps (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys is T*T***T** (for two points or two surfaces) 1*T***T** (for two curves).
bool | relate (const Geometry *g, const std::string &intersectionPattern) const |
| Returns true if the elements in the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys match the elements in intersectionPattern. More...
bool | relate (const Geometry &g, const std::string &intersectionPattern) const |
std::unique_ptr< IntersectionMatrix > | relate (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys.
std::unique_ptr< IntersectionMatrix > | relate (const Geometry &g) const |
virtual bool | equals (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometrys is T*F**FFF*.
bool | covers (const Geometry *g) const |
| Returns true if this geometry covers the specified geometry. More...
bool | coveredBy (const Geometry *g) const |
| Tests whether this geometry is covered by the specified geometry. More...
virtual std::string | toString () const |
| Returns the Well-known Text representation of this Geometry.
virtual std::string | toText () const |
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | buffer (double distance) const |
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | buffer (double distance, int quadrantSegments) const |
| Returns a buffer region around this Geometry having the given width and with a specified number of segments used to approximate curves. More...
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | buffer (double distance, int quadrantSegments, int endCapStyle) const |
| Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width and with a specified accuracy of approximation for circular arcs, and using a specified end cap style. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | convexHull () const |
| Returns the smallest convex Polygon that contains all the points in the Geometry.
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | reverse () const |
| Computes a new geometry which has all component coordinate sequences in reverse order (opposite orientation) to this one. More...
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | intersection (const Geometry *other) const |
| Returns a Geometry representing the points shared by this Geometry and other. More...
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | Union (const Geometry *other) const |
| Returns a Geometry representing all the points in this Geometry and other. More...
Ptr | Union () const |
| Computes the union of all the elements of this geometry. Heterogeneous GeometryCollections are fully supported. More...
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | difference (const Geometry *other) const |
| Returns a Geometry representing the points making up this Geometry that do not make up other. More...
std::unique_ptr< Geometry > | symDifference (const Geometry *other) const |
| Returns a set combining the points in this Geometry not in other, and the points in other not in this Geometry. More...
template<class T > |
void | applyComponentFilter (T &f) const |
| Apply a filter to each component of this geometry. The filter is expected to provide a .filter(const Geometry*) method. More...
virtual int | compareTo (const Geometry *geom) const |
| Comparator for sorting geometry.
virtual double | distance (const Geometry *g) const |
virtual bool | isWithinDistance (const Geometry *geom, double cDistance) const |
| Tests whether the distance from this Geometry to another is less than or equal to a specified value. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Point > | getCentroid () const |
| Computes the centroid of this Geometry . More...
virtual bool | getCentroid (CoordinateXY &ret) const |
| Computes the centroid of this Geometry as a Coordinate. More...
std::unique_ptr< Point > | getInteriorPoint () const |
| Computes an interior point of this Geometry . More...
virtual void | geometryChanged () |
| Notifies this Geometry that its Coordinates have been changed by an external party (using a CoordinateFilter, for example).
Models a collection of Polygons.
As per the OGC SFS specification, the Polygons in a MultiPolygon may not overlap, and may only touch at single points. This allows the topological point-set semantics to be well-defined.