GEOS 3.14.0dev
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
geos::operation::overlayng::EdgeMerger Class Reference

#include <EdgeMerger.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< Edge * > merge (std::vector< Edge * > &edges)

Detailed Description

Performs merging on the noded edges of the input geometries. Merging takes place on edges which are coincident (i.e. have the same coordinate list, modulo direction). The following situations can occur:

One constraint that is maintained is that the direction of linear edges should be preserved if possible (which is the case if there is no other coincident edge, or if all coincident edges have the same direction). This ensures that the overlay output line direction will be as consistent as possible with input lines.

The merger also preserves the order of the edges in the input. This means that for polygon-line overlay the result lines will be in the same order as in the input (possibly with multiple result lines for a single input line).


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