▼Ngeos | Basic namespace for all GEOS functionalities |
►Nalgorithm | Contains classes and interfaces implementing fundamental computational geometry algorithms |
►Nconstruct | |
CIndexedDistanceToPoint | Computes the distance between a point and a geometry (which may be a collection containing any type of geometry) |
CIndexedPointInPolygonsLocator | Determines the location of a point in the polygonal elements of a geometry |
CLargestEmptyCircle | |
CMaximumInscribedCircle | |
►Ndistance | Classes to compute distance metrics between geometries |
CDiscreteFrechetDistance | An algorithm for computing a distance metric which is an approximation to the Frechet Distance based on a discretization of the input geom::Geometry |
CDiscreteHausdorffDistance | An algorithm for computing a distance metric which is an approximation to the Hausdorff Distance based on a discretization of the input geom::Geometry |
CDistanceToPoint | |
CPointPairDistance | |
►Nhull | |
CConcaveHull | |
CConcaveHullOfPolygons | |
COuterShellsExtracter | |
►Nlocate | Classes which determine the Location of points in geometries |
CIndexedPointInAreaLocator | Determines the location of Coordinates relative to an areal geometry, using indexing for efficiency |
CPointOnGeometryLocator | An interface for classes which determine the Location of points in Polygon or MultiPolygon geometries |
CSimplePointInAreaLocator | Computes the location of points relative to a polygonal Geometry, using a simple O(n) algorithm |
CAngle | Utility functions for working with angles |
CBoundaryNodeRule | An interface for rules which determine whether node points which are in boundaries of lineal geometry components are in the boundary of the parent geometry collection |
CCentralEndpointIntersector | Computes an approximate intersection of two line segments by taking the most central of the endpoints of the segments |
CCentroid | Computes the centroid of a Geometry of any dimension |
CCGAlgorithmsDD | Implements basic computational geometry algorithms using extended precision float-point arithmetic |
CConvexHull | Computes the convex hull of a Geometry |
CDistance | Functions to compute distance between basic geometric structures |
CHCoordinate | Represents a homogeneous coordinate in a 2-D coordinate space |
CInteriorPointArea | Computes a point in the interior of an areal geometry. The point will lie in the geometry interior in all except certain pathological cases |
CInteriorPointLine | Computes a point in the interior of an linear geometry |
CInteriorPointPoint | Computes a point in the interior of an point geometry |
CIntersection | Functions to compute intersection points between lines and line segments |
CLength | Functions for computing length |
CLineIntersector | A LineIntersector is an algorithm that can both test whether two line segments intersect and compute the intersection point if they do |
CMinimumAreaRectangle | |
CMinimumDiameter | Computes the minimum diameter of a geom::Geometry |
CNotRepresentableException | Indicates that a HCoordinate has been computed which is not representable on the Cartesian plane |
COrientation | Functions to compute the orientation of basic geometric structures including point triplets (triangles) and rings |
CPointLocation | Functions for locating points within basic geometric structures such as lines and rings |
CPointLocator | Computes the topological relationship (Location) of a single point to a Geometry |
CPolygonNodeTopology | |
CRayCrossingCounter | Counts the number of segments crossed by a horizontal ray extending to the right from a given point, in an incremental fashion |
CRobustDeterminant | Implements an algorithm to compute the sign of a 2x2 determinant for double precision values robustly |
►Ncoverage | |
CCoverageEdge | |
CCoverageGapFinder | |
CCoveragePolygonValidator | |
CCoverageRingEdges | |
CCoverageSimplifier | |
CCoverageUnion | |
CCoverageValidator | |
CInvalidSegmentDetector | |
CTPVWSimplifier | |
►Nedgegraph | |
CEdgeGraph | |
CEdgeGraphBuilder | |
CHalfEdge | |
►Ngeom | |
►Nprep | Contains classes and interfaces implementing algorithms that optimize the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations |
CAbstractPreparedPolygonContains | A base class containing the logic for computes the contains and covers spatial relationship predicates for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes |
CBasicPreparedGeometry | A base class for PreparedGeometry subclasses |
CPreparedGeometry | An interface for classes which prepare Geometry s in order to optimize the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations |
CPreparedGeometryFactory | A factory for creating PreparedGeometry s |
CPreparedLineString | A prepared version of LinearRing , LineString or MultiLineString geometries |
CPreparedLineStringIntersects | Computes the intersects spatial relationship predicate for a target PreparedLineString relative to all other Geometry classes |
CPreparedPoint | A prepared version of Point or MultiPoint geometries |
CPreparedPolygon | A prepared version of Polygon or MultiPolygon geometries |
CPreparedPolygonContains | Computes the contains spatial relationship predicate for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes |
CPreparedPolygonContainsProperly | Computes the containsProperly spatial relationship predicate for PreparedPolygon s relative to all other Geometry classes |
CPreparedPolygonCovers | Computes the covers spatial relationship predicate for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes |
CPreparedPolygonIntersects | Computes the intersects spatial relationship predicate for PreparedPolygon s relative to all other Geometry classes |
CPreparedPolygonPredicate | A base class for predicate operations on PreparedPolygon s |
►Nutil | Provides classes that parse and modify Geometry objects |
CComponentCoordinateExtracter | Extracts a single representative Coordinate from each connected component of a Geometry |
CCoordinateOperation | |
CDensifier | |
CGeometryCombiner | Combines Geometrys to produce a GeometryCollection of the most appropriate type |
CGeometryEditor | |
CGeometryEditorOperation | |
CGeometryExtracter | |
CGeometryFixer | |
CGeometryLister | |
CGeometryMapper | |
CGeometryTransformer | A framework for processes which transform an input Geometry into an output Geometry, possibly changing its structure and type(s) |
CLinearComponentExtracter | |
CPointExtracter | |
CPolygonalExtracter | Extracts the polygonal (Polygon and MultiPolygon) elements from a Geometry |
CPolygonExtracter | |
CShortCircuitedGeometryVisitor | A visitor to Geometry elements which can be short-circuited by a given condition |
CSineStarFactory | |
CCircularArc | |
CCoordinate | Coordinate is the lightweight class used to store coordinates |
CCoordinateFilter | Geometry classes support the concept of applying a coordinate filter to every coordinate in the Geometry |
CCoordinateLessThan | Strict weak ordering Functor for Coordinate |
CCoordinateList | A list of Coordinate s, which may be set to prevent repeated coordinates from occurring in the list |
CCoordinateSequence | The internal representation of a list of coordinates inside a Geometry |
CCoordinateSequenceFilter | Interface for classes which provide operations that can be applied to the coordinates in a CoordinateSequence |
CCoordinateSequences | Utility methods to operate on CoordinateSequences. Methods that do not benefit from access to the CoordinateSequence internals can be placed here |
CDimension | |
CEnvelope | An Envelope defines a rectangulare region of the 2D coordinate plane |
CGeometry | Basic implementation of Geometry, constructed and destructed by GeometryFactory |
CGeometryCollection | Represents a collection of heterogeneous Geometry objects |
CGeometryComponentFilter | |
CGeometryFactory | Supplies a set of utility methods for building Geometry objects from CoordinateSequence or other Geometry objects |
CGeometryFilter | Geometry classes support the concept of applying a Geometry filter to the Geometry |
CIntersectionMatrix | Implementation of Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) matrix |
CLinearRing | Models an OGC SFS LinearRing. A LinearRing is a LineString which is both closed and simple |
CLineSegment | |
CLineString | |
CMultiLineString | Models a collection of LineStrings |
CMultiPoint | |
CMultiPolygon | |
CPoint | |
CPolygon | Represents a linear polygon, which may include holes |
CPosition | A Position indicates the position of a Location relative to a graph component (Node, Edge, or Area) |
CPrecisionModel | Specifies the precision model of the Coordinate in a Geometry |
CQuadrant | Utility functions for working with quadrants |
CSurface | |
CTriangle | Represents a planar triangle, and provides methods for calculating various properties of triangles |
►Ngeomgraph | Contains classes that implement topology graphs |
►Nindex | Contains classes that implement indexes for performing noding on geometry graph edges |
CEdgeSetIntersector | An EdgeSetIntersector computes all the intersections between the edges in the set |
CMonotoneChain | |
CMonotoneChainEdge | MonotoneChains are a way of partitioning the segments of an edge to allow for fast searching of intersections |
CMonotoneChainIndexer | MonotoneChains are a way of partitioning the segments of an edge to allow for fast searching of intersections |
CSegmentIntersector | Computes the intersection of line segments, and adds the intersection to the edges containing the segments |
CSimpleEdgeSetIntersector | Finds all intersections in one or two sets of edges, using the straightforward method of comparing all segments |
CSimpleMCSweepLineIntersector | Finds all intersections in one or two sets of edges, using an x-axis sweepline algorithm in conjunction with Monotone Chains |
CSimpleSweepLineIntersector | Finds all intersections in one or two sets of edges, using a simple x-axis sweepline algorithm |
CDepth | A Depth object records the topological depth of the sides of an Edge for up to two Geometries |
CDirectedEdge | A directed EdgeEnd |
CDirectedEdgeStar | A DirectedEdgeStar is an ordered list of outgoing DirectedEdges around a node |
CEdge | |
CEdgeEnd | Models the end of an edge incident on a node |
CEdgeEndStar | A EdgeEndStar is an ordered list of EdgeEnds around a node |
CEdgeIntersection | Represents a point on an edge which intersects with another edge |
CEdgeIntersectionList | A list of edge intersections along an Edge |
CEdgeList | A EdgeList is a list of Edges |
CEdgeNodingValidator | Validates that a collection of SegmentStrings is correctly noded |
CEdgeRing | |
CGeometryGraph | A GeometryGraph is a graph that models a given Geometry |
CGraphComponent | A GraphComponent is the parent class for the objects' that form a graph |
CLabel | A Label indicates the topological relationship of a component of a topology graph to a given Geometry |
CNode | The node component of a geometry graph |
CPlanarGraph | Represents a directed graph which is embeddable in a planar surface |
CTopologyLocation | A TopologyLocation is the labelling of a GraphComponent's topological relationship to a single Geometry |
►Nindex | Provides classes for various kinds of spatial indexes |
►Nbintree | Contains classes that implement a Binary Interval Tree index |
CBintree | A BinTree (or "Binary Interval Tree") is a 1-dimensional version of a quadtree |
CInterval | Represents an (1-dimensional) closed interval on the Real number line |
CKey | A Key is a unique identifier for a node in a tree |
CNode | A node of a Bintree |
CNodeBase | The base class for nodes in a Bintree |
CRoot | The root node of a single Bintree |
►Nchain | Contains classes that implement Monotone Chains |
CMonotoneChain | Monotone Chains are a way of partitioning the segments of a linestring to allow for fast searching of intersections |
CMonotoneChainBuilder | Constructs MonotoneChains for sequences of Coordinates |
CMonotoneChainOverlapAction | The action for the internal iterator for performing overlap queries on a MonotoneChain |
CMonotoneChainSelectAction | |
►Nintervalrtree | Contains classes that implement a static index on a set of 1-dimensional intervals, using an R-Tree packed based on the order of the interval midpoints |
CSortedPackedIntervalRTree | A static index on a set of 1-dimensional intervals, using an R-Tree packed based on the order of the interval midpoints |
►Nkdtree | |
CKdNode | |
CKdTree | |
►Nquadtree | Contains classes that implement a Quadtree spatial index |
CIntervalSize | Provides a test for whether an interval is so small it should be considered as zero for the purposes of inserting it into a binary tree |
CKey | A Key is a unique identifier for a node in a quadtree |
CNode | Represents a node of a Quadtree |
CNodeBase | The base class for nodes in a Quadtree |
CQuadtree | A Quadtree is a spatial index structure for efficient querying of 2D rectangles. If other kinds of spatial objects need to be indexed they can be represented by their envelopes |
CRoot | QuadRoot is the root of a single Quadtree. It is centred at the origin, and does not have a defined extent |
►Nstrtree | Contains 2-D and 1-D versions of the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) tree, a query-only R-tree |
CAbstractNode | A node of the STR tree |
►CAbstractSTRtree | Base class for STRtree and SIRtree |
CIntersectsOp | A test for intersection between two bounds, necessary because subclasses of AbstractSTRtree have different implementations of bounds |
CBoundable | A spatial object in an AbstractSTRtree |
CBoundablePair | A pair of Boundables, whose leaf items support a distance metric between them |
CInterval | A contiguous portion of 1D-space. Used internally by SIRtree |
CItemBoundable | Boundable wrapper for a non-Boundable spatial object. Used internally by AbstractSTRtree |
CItemDistance | A function method which computes the distance between two ItemBoundables in an STRtree. Used for Nearest Neighbour searches |
CSimpleSTRnode | A node of the STR tree |
CSimpleSTRtree | A query-only R-tree created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) algorithm. For two-dimensional spatial data |
CSIRtree | One-dimensional version of an STR-packed R-tree |
CSTRtree | A query-only R-tree created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) algorithm. For two-dimensional spatial data |
CTemplateSTRtreeImpl | A query-only R-tree created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) algorithm. For one- or two-dimensional spatial data |
►Nsweepline | Contains classes which implement a sweepline algorithm for scanning geometric data structures |
CSweepLineIndex | A sweepline implements a sorted index on a set of intervals |
CItemVisitor | A visitor for items in an index |
CSpatialIndex | Abstract class defines basic insertion and query operations supported by classes implementing spatial index algorithms |
CVertexSequencePackedRtree | |
►Nio | Contains the interfaces for converting JTS objects to and from other formats |
CByteOrderDataInStream | Allows reading an stream of primitive datatypes from an underlying istream, with the representation being in either common byte ordering |
CByteOrderValues | Methods to read and write primitive datatypes from/to byte sequences, allowing the byte order to be specified |
CGeoJSONReader | GeoJSON reader class; see also GeoJSONWriter |
CGeoJSONWriter | Outputs the GeoJSON representation of a Geometry. See also GeoJSONReader for parsing |
COrdinateSet | Utility class to manipulate a set of flags indicating whether X, Y, Z, or M dimensions are present. Based on JTS EnumSet<Ordinate> |
CParseException | Notifies a parsing error |
CWKBReader | Reads a Geometry from Well-Known Binary format |
CWKBWriter | Writes a Geometry into Well-Known Binary format |
CWKTReader | WKT parser class; see also WKTWriter |
CWKTWriter | Outputs the textual representation of a Geometry. See also WKTReader |
►Nlinearref | Contains classes and interfaces implementing linear referencing on linear geometries |
CExtractLineByLocation | Extracts the subline of a linear Geometry between two LinearLocation s on the line |
CLengthIndexedLine | Supports linear referencing along a linear geom::Geometry using the length along the line as the index |
CLengthIndexOfPoint | Computes the length index of the point on a linear Geometry nearest a given Coordinate |
CLengthLocationMap | Computes the LinearLocation for a given length along a linear Geometry |
CLinearGeometryBuilder | Builds a linear geometry (LineString or MultiLineString) incrementally (point-by-point) |
CLinearIterator | An iterator over the components and coordinates of a linear geometry (LineString or MultiLineString) |
CLinearLocation | Represents a location along a LineString or MultiLineString |
CLocationIndexedLine | Supports linear referencing along a linear Geometry using LinearLocations as the index |
CLocationIndexOfLine | Determines the location of a subline along a linear Geometry |
CLocationIndexOfPoint | Computes the LinearLocation of the point on a linear Geometry nearest a given Coordinate |
►Nmath | |
CDD | Wrapper for DoubleDouble higher precision mathematics operations |
►Nnoding | Classes to compute nodings for arrangements of line segments and line segment sequences |
►Nsnap | |
CSnappingNoder | |
►Nsnapround | Contains classes to implement the Snap Rounding algorithm for noding linestrings |
CHotPixel | Implements a "hot pixel" as used in the Snap Rounding algorithm |
CMCIndexPointSnapper | "Snaps" all SegmentStrings in a SpatialIndex containing MonotoneChains to a given HotPixel |
CMCIndexSnapRounder | Uses Snap Rounding to compute a rounded, fully noded arrangement from a set of SegmentString |
CSnapRoundingIntersectionAdder | |
CSnapRoundingNoder | |
CBasicSegmentString | Represents a list of contiguous line segments, and supports noding the segments |
CBoundaryChainNoder | |
CFastNodingValidator | Validates that a collection of SegmentString s is correctly noded |
CFastSegmentSetIntersectionFinder | Finds if two sets of SegmentStrings intersect |
CIntersectionAdder | Computes the intersections between two line segments in SegmentString and adds them to each string |
CIntersectionFinderAdder | Finds proper and interior intersections in a set of SegmentStrings, and adds them as nodes |
CIteratedNoder | Nodes a set of SegmentStrings completely |
CMCIndexNoder | Nodes a set of SegmentString using a index based on MonotoneChain and a SpatialIndex |
CMCIndexSegmentSetMutualIntersector | Intersects two sets of SegmentStrings using a index based on MonotoneChains and a SpatialIndex |
CNodableSegmentString | An interface for classes which support adding nodes to a segment string |
CNodedSegmentString | Represents a list of contiguous line segments, and supports noding the segments |
CNoder | Computes all intersections between segments in a set of SegmentString |
CNodingIntersectionFinder | Finds non-noded intersections in a set of SegmentString s, if any exist |
CNodingValidator | Validates that a collection of SegmentString s is correctly noded. Throws a TopologyException if a noding error is found |
COctant | Methods for computing and working with octants of the Cartesian plane |
COrientedCoordinateArray | Allows comparing geom::CoordinateSequence s in an orientation-independent way |
CScaledNoder | Wraps a Noder and transforms its input into the integer domain |
CSegmentExtractingNoder | |
CSegmentIntersectionDetector | Detects and records an intersection between two SegmentString s, if one exists |
CSegmentIntersector | Processes possible intersections detected by a Noder |
CSegmentNode | Represents an intersection point between two NodedSegmentString |
CSegmentNodeList | A list of the SegmentNode present along a NodedSegmentString |
CSegmentPointComparator | Implements a robust method of comparing the relative position of two points along the same segment |
CSegmentSetMutualIntersector | An intersector for the red-blue intersection problem |
CSegmentString | An interface for classes which represent a sequence of contiguous line segments |
CSegmentStringUtil | Utility methods for processing SegmentString s |
CSimpleNoder | Nodes a set of SegmentString s by performing a brute-force comparison of every segment to every other one |
CSinglePassNoder | Base class for Noder s which make a single pass to find intersections |
CValidatingNoder | |
►Noperation | Provides classes for implementing operations on geometries |
►Nbuffer | Provides classes for computing buffers of geometries |
CBufferBuilder | Builds the buffer geometry for a given input geometry and precision model |
CBufferCurveSetBuilder | Creates all the raw offset curves for a buffer of a Geometry |
CBufferInputLineSimplifier | Simplifies a buffer input line to remove concavities with shallow depth |
CBufferNodeFactory | Creates nodes for use in the geomgraph::PlanarGraph constructed during buffer operations. NOTE: also used by operation::valid |
CBufferOp | Computes the buffer of a geometry, for both positive and negative buffer distances |
CBufferParameters | Contains the parameters which describe how a buffer should be constructed |
CBufferSubgraph | A connected subset of the graph of DirectedEdge and geomgraph::Node |
CMaximalEdgeRing | A ring of DirectedEdges which may contain nodes of degree > 2 |
CMinimalEdgeRing | A ring of Edges with the property that no node has degree greater than 2 |
COffsetCurve | |
COffsetCurveBuilder | Computes the raw offset curve for a single Geometry component (ring, line or point) |
COffsetCurveSection | |
COffsetSegmentGenerator | |
COffsetSegmentString | |
CPolygonBuilder | Forms Polygon out of a graph of geomgraph::DirectedEdge |
CRightmostEdgeFinder | A RightmostEdgeFinder find the geomgraph::DirectedEdge in a list which has the highest coordinate, and which is oriented L to R at that point. (I.e. the right side is on the RHS of the edge.) |
CSubgraphDepthLocater | Locates a subgraph inside a set of subgraphs, in order to determine the outside depth of the subgraph |
►Ncluster | |
CAbstractClusterFinder | |
CDBSCANClusterFinder | |
CEnvelopeDistanceClusterFinder | |
CEnvelopeIntersectsClusterFinder | |
CGeometryDistanceClusterFinder | |
CGeometryIntersectsClusterFinder | |
CUnionFind | |
►Ndistance | Provides classes for computing the distance between geometries |
CConnectedElementLocationFilter | A ConnectedElementPointFilter extracts a single point from each connected element in a Geometry (e.g. a polygon, linestring or point) and returns them in a list. Empty geometries do not provide a location item |
CConnectedElementPointFilter | Extracts a single point from each connected element in a Geometry (e.g. a polygon, linestring or point) and returns them in a list |
CDistanceOp | Find two points on two geom::Geometry s which lie within a given distance, or else are the nearest points on the geometries (in which case this also provides the distance between the geometries) |
CGeometryLocation | Represents the location of a point on a Geometry |
CIndexedFacetDistance | Computes the distance between the facets (segments and vertices) of two Geometrys using a Branch-and-Bound algorithm |
►Ngeounion | Classes to perform efficient unioning of collections of geometries |
CCascadedPolygonUnion | Provides an efficient method of unioning a collection of polygonal geometries |
CClassicUnionStrategy | Implementation of UnionStrategy that provides overlay using the first generation overlay routines |
COverlapUnion | Unions MultiPolygons efficiently by using full topological union only for polygons which may overlap by virtue of intersecting the common area of the inputs |
CPointGeometryUnion | Computes the union of a puntal geometry with another arbitrary Geometry |
CUnaryUnionOp | Unions a collection of Geometry or a single Geometry (which may be a collection) together |
CUnionStrategy | |
►Nintersection | Provides classes for computing the intersection of a Geometry and a clipping Rectangle |
CRectangle | Clipping rectangle |
CRectangleIntersection | Speed-optimized clipping of a Geometry with a rectangle |
CRectangleIntersectionBuilder | Rebuild geometries from subpaths left by clipping with a rectangle |
►Nlinemerge | Line merging package |
CEdgeString | A sequence of LineMergeDirectedEdge forming one of the lines that will be output by the line-merging process |
CLineMergeDirectedEdge | A DirectedEdge of a LineMergeGraph |
CLineMergeEdge | An edge of a LineMergeGraph. The marked field indicates whether this Edge has been logically deleted from the graph |
CLineMergeGraph | A planar graph of edges that is analyzed to sew the edges together |
CLineMerger | Sews together a set of fully noded LineStrings |
CLineSequencer | Builds a sequence from a set of LineStrings so that they are ordered end to end |
►Noverlay | Contains classes that perform a topological overlay to compute boolean spatial functions |
►Nsnap | |
CGeometrySnapper | Snaps the vertices and segments of a geom::Geometry to another Geometry's vertices |
CLineStringSnapper | Snaps the vertices and segments of a LineString to a set of target snap vertices |
CSnapOverlayOp | Performs an overlay operation using snapping and enhanced precision to improve the robustness of the result |
►Nvalidate | |
CFuzzyPointLocator | Finds the most likely Location of a point relative to the polygonal components of a geometry, using a tolerance value |
COffsetPointGenerator | Generates points offset from both sides of all segments in a geometry |
COverlayResultValidator | Validates that the result of an overlay operation is geometrically correct within a determined tolerance |
►Noverlayng | |
CCoverageUnion | |
CEdge | |
CEdgeKey | |
CEdgeMerger | |
CEdgeNodingBuilder | |
CEdgeSourceInfo | |
CElevationModel | A simple elevation model used to populate missing Z values in overlay results |
CIndexedPointOnLineLocator | |
CInputGeometry | |
CIntersectionPointBuilder | |
CLineBuilder | |
CLineLimiter | |
COverlayEdge | |
COverlayGraph | |
COverlayLabel | |
COverlayMixedPoints | |
COverlayNG | |
COverlayNGRobust | |
COverlayPoints | |
COverlayUtil | |
CPrecisionReducer | |
►CPrecisionUtil | |
CInherentScaleFilter | |
CRingClipper | |
CRobustClipEnvelopeComputer | |
►CUnaryUnionNG | |
CNGUnionStrategy | |
►Npolygonize | An API for polygonizing sets of lines |
CBuildArea | Creates an areal geometry formed by the constituent linework of given geometry |
CEdgeRing | Represents a ring of PolygonizeDirectedEdge which form a ring of a polygon. The ring may be either an outer shell or a hole |
CHoleAssigner | Assigns hole rings to shell rings during polygonization |
CPolygonizeDirectedEdge | A DirectedEdge of a PolygonizeGraph, which represents an edge of a polygon formed by the graph |
CPolygonizeEdge | An edge of a polygonization graph |
CPolygonizeGraph | Represents a planar graph of edges that can be used to compute a polygonization, and implements the algorithms to compute the EdgeRings formed by the graph |
CPolygonizer | Polygonizes a set of Geometrys which contain linework that represents the edges of a planar graph |
►Npredicate | Classes which implement topological predicates optimized for particular kinds of geometries |
CRectangleContains | Optimized implementation of spatial predicate "contains" for cases where the first Geometry is a rectangle |
CRectangleIntersects | Optimized implementation of the "intersects" spatial predicate for cases where one Geometry is a rectangle |
CSegmentIntersectionTester | Tests if any line segments in two sets of CoordinateSequences intersect |
►Nrelate | Contains classes to implement the computation of the spatial relationships of Geometry s |
CEdgeEndBuilder | Computes the geomgraph::EdgeEnd objects which arise from a noded geomgraph::Edge |
CEdgeEndBundle | A collection of geomgraph::EdgeEnd objects which originate at the same point and have the same direction |
CEdgeEndBundleStar | An ordered list of EdgeEndBundle objects around a RelateNode |
CRelateComputer | Computes the topological relationship between two Geometries |
CRelateNode | Represents a node in the topological graph used to compute spatial relationships |
CRelateNodeFactory | Used by the geomgraph::NodeMap in a RelateNodeGraph to create RelateNode objects |
CRelateNodeGraph | Implements the simple graph of Nodes and geomgraph::EdgeEnd which is all that is required to determine topological relationships between Geometries |
CRelateOp | Implements the SFS relate() operation on two geom::Geometry objects |
►Nrelateng | |
CAdjacentEdgeLocator | |
CEdgeSegmentOverlapAction | The action for the internal iterator for performing overlap queries on a MonotoneChain |
CNodeSection | |
CPolygonNodeConverter | |
CRelateNG | |
CRelatePointLocator | |
►Nsharedpaths | Find shared paths among two linear Geometry objects |
CSharedPathsOp | Find shared paths among two linear Geometry objects |
►Nvalid | Provides classes for testing the validity of geometries |
CConsistentAreaTester | Checks that a geomgraph::GeometryGraph representing an area (a geom::Polygon or geom::MultiPolygon) has consistent semantics for area geometries. This check is required for any reasonable polygonal model (including the OGC-SFS model, as well as models which allow ring self-intersection at single points) |
CIsSimpleOp | |
CIsValidOp | |
CMakeValid | The function attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry without losing any of the input vertices |
CRepeatedPointRemover | |
CRepeatedPointTester | Implements the appropriate checks for repeated points (consecutive identical coordinates) as defined in the JTS spec |
CTopologyValidationError | Contains information about the nature and location of a geom::Geometry validation error |
CBoundaryOp | |
CGeometryGraphOperation | The base class for operations that require GeometryGraph |
►Nplanargraph | Contains classes to implement a planar graph data structure |
►Nalgorithm | Planargraph algorithms |
CConnectedSubgraphFinder | Finds all connected Subgraph s of a PlanarGraph |
CDirectedEdge | Represents a directed edge in a PlanarGraph |
CDirectedEdgeStar | A sorted collection of DirectedEdge which leave a Node in a PlanarGraph |
CEdge | Represents an undirected edge of a PlanarGraph |
CGraphComponent | The base class for all graph component classes |
CNode | A node in a PlanarGraph is a location where 0 or more Edge meet |
CNodeMap | A map of Node, indexed by the coordinate of the node |
CPlanarGraph | Represents a directed graph which is embeddable in a planar surface |
CSubgraph | A subgraph of a PlanarGraph |
►Nprecision | Provides classes for manipulating the precision model of Geometries |
CCommonBits | Determines the maximum number of common most-significant bits in the mantissa of one or numbers |
CCommonBitsOp | Provides versions of Geometry spatial functions which use common bit removal to reduce the likelihood of robustness problems |
CCommonBitsRemover | Allow computing and removing common mantissa bits from one or more Geometries |
CEnhancedPrecisionOp | Provides versions of Geometry spatial functions which use enhanced precision techniques to reduce the likelihood of robustness problems |
CGeometryPrecisionReducer | Reduces the precision of a geom::Geometry according to the supplied geom::PrecisionModel , ensuring that the result is valid (unless specified otherwise) |
CMinimumClearance | Computes the Minimum Clearance of a Geometry |
CPointwisePrecisionReducerTransformer | |
CPrecisionReducerTransformer | Reduces the precision of a geom::Geometry according to the supplied geom::PrecisionModel , without attempting to preserve valid topology |
CSimpleGeometryPrecisionReducer | Reduces the precision of a geom::Geometry according to the supplied geom::PrecisionModel , without attempting to preserve valid topology |
►Nshape | |
►Nfractal | |
CHilbertCode | |
CMortonCode | |
►Nsimplify | Classes which implement algorithms for simplifying or generalizing geometries |
CDouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier | Simplifies a linestring (sequence of points) using the standard Douglas-Peucker algorithm |
CDouglasPeuckerSimplifier | Simplifies a Geometry using the standard Douglas-Peucker algorithm |
CPolygonHullSimplifier | |
CTaggedLineSegment | A geom::LineSegment which is tagged with its location in a geom::Geometry |
CTaggedLinesSimplifier | Simplifies a collection of TaggedLineStrings, preserving topology (in the sense that no new intersections are introduced) |
CTaggedLineString | Contains and owns a list of TaggedLineSegments |
CTaggedLineStringSimplifier | Simplifies a TaggedLineString, preserving topology (in the sense that no new intersections are introduced). Uses the recursive Douglas-Peucker algorithm |
CTopologyPreservingSimplifier | Simplifies a geometry, ensuring that the result is a valid geometry having the same dimension and number of components as the input |
►Ntriangulate | Classes to compute Delaunay triangulations |
►Npolygon | |
CConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator | |
CPolygonEarClipper | |
CPolygonHoleJoiner | |
CPolygonNoder | |
CPolygonTriangulator | |
CTriDelaunayImprover | |
►Nquadedge | Classes to implement a topological subdivision of quadeges, to support creating triangulations and Voronoi diagrams |
CLastFoundQuadEdgeLocator | Locates QuadEdge s in a QuadEdgeSubdivision , optimizing the search by starting in the locality of the last edge found |
CQuadEdge | A class that represents the edge data structure which implements the quadedge algebra |
CQuadEdgeLocator | An interface for classes which locate an edge in a QuadEdgeSubdivision which either contains a given Vertex V or is an edge of a triangle which contains V |
CQuadEdgeSubdivision | A class that contains the QuadEdges representing a planar subdivision that models a triangulation |
CTrianglePredicate | Algorithms for computing values and predicates associated with triangles |
CTriangleVisitor | An interface for algorithms which process the triangles in a QuadEdgeSubdivision |
CVertex | Models a site (node) in a QuadEdgeSubdivision |
►Ntri | |
CTri | |
CTriangulationBuilder | |
CTriEdge | |
CTriList | |
CDelaunayTriangulationBuilder | A utility class which creates Delaunay Triangulations from collections of points and extract the resulting triangulation edges or triangles as geometries |
CIncrementalDelaunayTriangulator | Computes a Delauanay Triangulation of a set of quadedge::Vertex es, using an incrementatal insertion algorithm |
CVoronoiDiagramBuilder | A utility class which creates Voronoi Diagrams from collections of points |
►Nutil | Utility classes for GEOS |
CAssertionFailedException | Indicates a bug in GEOS code |
CGeometricShapeFactory | Computes various kinds of common geometric shapes |
CGEOSException | Base class for all GEOS exceptions |
CIllegalArgumentException | Indicates one or more illegal arguments |
CIllegalStateException | Indicates an illegal state |
CInterrupt | Used to manage interruption requests and callbacks |
CTopologyException | Indicates an invalid or inconsistent topological situation encountered during processing |
CUnsupportedOperationException | Indicates that the requested operation is unsupported |