GEOS 3.14.0dev
geos::geom::prep Namespace Reference

Contains classes and interfaces implementing algorithms that optimize the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations. More...


class  AbstractPreparedPolygonContains
 A base class containing the logic for computes the contains and covers spatial relationship predicates for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  BasicPreparedGeometry
 A base class for PreparedGeometry subclasses. More...
class  PreparedGeometry
 An interface for classes which prepare Geometrys in order to optimize the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations. More...
class  PreparedGeometryFactory
 A factory for creating PreparedGeometrys. More...
class  PreparedLineString
 A prepared version of LinearRing, LineString or MultiLineString geometries. More...
class  PreparedLineStringIntersects
 Computes the intersects spatial relationship predicate for a target PreparedLineString relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  PreparedPoint
 A prepared version of Point or MultiPoint geometries. More...
class  PreparedPolygon
 A prepared version of Polygon or MultiPolygon geometries. More...
class  PreparedPolygonContains
 Computes the contains spatial relationship predicate for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  PreparedPolygonContainsProperly
 Computes the containsProperly spatial relationship predicate for PreparedPolygons relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  PreparedPolygonCovers
 Computes the covers spatial relationship predicate for a PreparedPolygon relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  PreparedPolygonIntersects
 Computes the intersects spatial relationship predicate for PreparedPolygons relative to all other Geometry classes. More...
class  PreparedPolygonPredicate
 A base class for predicate operations on PreparedPolygons. More...

Detailed Description

Contains classes and interfaces implementing algorithms that optimize the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations.